Other Activities of Shantivan We take different other activities.

Snehlata Nisargopchar Kendra
Established in 1992 for providing naturopathy treatment. At present capacity of inmates is 40.
From all over Maharashtra patients suffering from Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Athroties, Skin Disease etc are treated Courses of naturopathy conducted of Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth in Maharashtra State Vocational Training Center.
In Panvel at Narmada complex OPD of Naturopathy is also available.

Balwantrai Mehta Panchayatraj Jagruti Kendra
Balwantrai Mehta Panchayatraj Jagruti Kendra was established in 1999 to undertake an integrated rural development programme along Gandhian lines in tribal villages near Shantivan to make them self-sufficient in areas of drinking water, health, education,sanitation and self-employment.
It conducts camps to increase awareness among the Sarpanches, elected members of Gram Panchayat and villagers about their rights and duties under the Panchayatraj Act.
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Rajeev-Rajan Adharghar
Rajeev-Rajan Adharghar was established in the year 1997. The persons who due to a permanent disability of some sort are unable to lead normal life independently and lack family support but can pay part of their cost are admitted in the Adharghar. The capacity of this adharghar is 60 inmates. This activity was supported by Rajeev-Rajan Lad Trust (for details contact Ph.No.02143-238131)

Home for Senior Citizen
Ramkrishna Niketan is established in the year 1990. It accomodates 40 persons at moderate cost. Adequate facilities such as lodging, boarding, community hall, liabrary, entertainment equipments are provided (for details contact Ph.No.02143-238153).
Other Activities of Shantivan We take different other activities.

Approximately 30000 saplings is produced in a year as per the requirements of villagers, govt. agencies and for Shantivan.

Shantivan Co-Op. Society
his society is registered with the State Govt. The society was established in 1990 and run by leprosy patients. The peoples from surrounding villages purchasing provision materials, ration etc.
The society is running on no loss no profit basis. The yearly turnover is approximately 20 to 22 lacs.

Sane Guruji Vachanalaya (Liabrary)
This liabrary is registered with State Govt. More than 6000 books on various subjects is available for reading. Also news papers, magzins available for reading.

Shantivan Credit Society
Total members of the society is 299. The society provides small loans to the members for housing, education etc. The society also provide fix deposit & Recurring deposit schemes to its members.

Awareness Programmes
To remove the misconception and stigma about leprosy the samiti organising cultural activity programmes as under.

Mitra Melawa
The samiti is organising get together functions for well wishers, donors, and sympathysers every year . The peoples from Mumbai, Thane, Raigad are coming together and spend one day with the inmates of Shantivan. Eminent persons from various fields are participating in this function.

Shram Sanskar Shibir
As a programme for integration of leprosy affected patients with the society, a significant feature of annual series of 30, 3½ days camp of school children in batches of 100 each has been arranged every year. These are called 'Shram Sanskar Shibir. Besides being exposed to social services concepts, the campers are involved in constructive manual work and in rural Welfare Programmes along with the inmates of Shantivan and thus seeing with their own eyes, the cured patients. They go back from Shantivan with the right attitude towards leprosy and carry the message of Shantivan to their families and neighbourhoods. So far, nearly one lakh fifty thousand students and school teachers have been participated in these Shram Sanskar Shibirs.

There are 52 cattles. The milk produced from cows provided to the inmates of Shantivan. Cow dung use for fertilizer for agriculture activities.

The samiti brought under cultivation 35 acres of land for rice paddy, vegetables, banana plantation. 30 acres of land is under horticulture planting Coconut, Cashewnut, Mango, Chikku etc. Under the socal forestry scheme 60000 trees were planted.

Shri. A. S. Adivasi Ashram Shala
Shri Annasaheb Sahasrabuddhe Adivasi Ashram Shala was established in 1994 to serve the needs of the Adivasi community. The adivasi children belong to the poorest strata of society, with a unique distinction of being the first generation to pursue education.
At present, the school has 500 students - 400 residential scholars and 100-day scholars from class I to X.