About our SamitiGlorious social services.
Kushtarog Nivaran Samiti has committed 60 yrs & is celebrating diamond jubilee in 2013-14.
The work of the samiti is spread over 185 villages in Panvel taluka covering a population of 4 lacs. Under the Central Govt. Programme of Survey, Education & Treatment (SET), more than 10,000 leprosy patients have been successfully treated and cured.
Our Inspiration

About leprosy
- LEPROSY is like any other disease and it is the least infectious.
- LEPROSY is caused by a germ. It is neither hereditary nor a curse of the Gods.
- A pale or red patch on the skin may be leprosy. Do consult a doctor.
- LEPROSY is completely curable with regular treatment. Early detection and regular treatment prevent deformities and disabilities.
- LEPROSY patients can continue to live at home and do normal work while under treatment.
- Do not isolate leprosy patients. Accept them in the family and community.