Leprosy Eradication Activities of Shantivan We take different activities related to leprosy.

Leprosy Referral Centres
The Samiti established Leprosy Referral Centres in Panvel city for counselling the leprosy patients.

physiotherapy Dept
The persons affected by leprosy are provided physiotherapy treatment such as oil massage, wax massage, stimulation, exercises, and providing equipments at Shantivan as well as at the Public Health Centres.

The Samiti engaged in research activity in leprosy with the help of Bombay Leprosy Project, Hind Kusht Niwaran Sangh, and Foundation for Medical Research.

Survey, Education & Treatment
Government of India adopted the Survey-Education and Treatment programme (the SET programme) which involves indetifying of patients by making house to house surveys, educating the patient's family.
The SET work in the rural areas of Panvel taluka comprising 185 villages with a population of 2 lacs was entrusted to the Kushtarog Niwaran Samiti by the Govt.of India in November 1980. Through repeated surveys - house to house, and in schools and factories medical examinations were made during the last 35 years. The para medical workers of the Samiti provide treatment to the leprosy patients through 9 main centres and 36 clinics. Samiti has detected 10000 cases and cured more than 9900 patients so far. The Samiti carries out mass health education campaign, slide shows and group talks by arranging various awareness activities. The samiti also engaged in prevention of deformity (POD) programme.

The Samiti runs 40 beds hospital (gents & ladies wards) at Shantivan under the supervision of a qualified medical officer. OPD and Indoor patients are admitted for further treatment in this hospital.
Leprosy Rehabilitation Activities of Shantivan We take different activities related to leprosy.

Community based Rehabilitation
The persons affected by leprosy is rehabilitated in the society. Provide them income generating activities under the various government schemes. Also provide them financial assistance to start their small business with the help of various social organisations.

Tailoring Section
The stiching work dusters, shabanam bags, purses, uniforms is carried out in this section.

Kushtarog Niwaran Samiti has provided shelter to 110 leprosy affected persons along with their famalies. The Samiti is providing lodging & boarding facilities, medical treatment etc. free of cost. The residential inmates are engaged in various activities run by the samiti as under.

Weaving Section
The Samiti produce different sizes of carpets, dusters, shabanam bags, aasans from cotton yarn. Approximately 25 to 35 thousand sq.ft. material produced every year. The samiti selling this products through various exhabitions arranged by various organisations.

Educational Help
The educational help is providing to the leprosy affected children by giving scholarship, books etc.